Self employment has increased over 12.2 million people according to a study on the Small Business Administration website. Would you like to join them and start your own small business?
You can, it's really a simple process.
1. The first step is the hardest. Convincing your inner critic that you can succeed on your own, without a steady paycheck. This inner critic needs to be tamed and shown its error. You do this by educating yourself. Study everything you can find on your chosen path.
2. Next you will have to prepare yourself to succeed. Make sure that you have the means to support yourself for at least six months, a year is better.
3. While you are accumulating your living expenses and operating capital, start your market survey. A market survey will help you determine if there is indeed a market for your services. It will also tell you how to market your services and how much to charge.
4. After completing your market survey, it's time to tackle your business plan. This is an important step because it determines the future direction of your business.
5. Once you have completed both the market survey and your business plan, you need to develop a marketing plan. This is your most important step. Without customers you have a hobby, not a business.
6. In this step, you execute your business and marketing plans. Careful sustained marketing will generate a constant trickle of new customers for your business to grow on.
7. Give your customers the absolutely best customer service they have ever received, and watch your business take off.
You can use your computer skills to create a better life for you and your family. You don't need the skills of a super geek, just determination, desire and persistence.
Do you have what it takes?
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